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“That 是 the best team basketball I’ve ever seen you guys play.” – Mr. Andrew Blair, head minor official, giving his thoughts to me after the game.
他没有错. 因为我们不仅要面对斋戒, well-coached Triolet team hellbent on revenge (we’d beaten them 10 days earlier), 但三人组每场比赛都在全场紧逼, 和 we were going to be without our point guard (as Melissa 是 out with a concussion). Nothing is harder in girls’ basketball than bringing up the ball vs pressure without a true dribbler. 这不仅很困难,还会让人士气低落. 我不想撒谎,我很担心进入这个游戏.
但这支球队在过去的三周里取得了长足的进步. 从赛尔利恩的烧谷仓工,到我们在 管理信息系统感谢我们在比赛中表现出的勇气和勇气 BCS锦标赛 (还记得? 28小时6场比赛?!), these players have gotten used to tight games, digging deep, responding to pressure, 和 working 作为一个整体 在地板的两端. Players are underst和ing their roles better 和 buying into them 和 playing with more confidence 和 less hesitation. 我们离最终目标越来越近了,也就是 当整体胜过部分的总和.
So maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised with 多好 we played in this one, 如何有效的, 如何有目的的, 如何 在一起:
  • 多么强烈的封闭和勇敢 Camryn 是 bringing up the ball vs constant in-your-face full court man pressure, 整场比赛只有两次失误, 真正鼓舞人心的努力;
  • 多好 哈雷 对进入首发阵容做出了反应, not only exploding for 8 points in the first quarter but playing her most disruptive defence of the season;
  • 多么精明的 海莉 has become on defence (critical rotations) 和 如何 much more confident on offence (purposeful post moves 和 more in-rhythm jumpers);
  • 如何全面主导 最佳球员 玛迪李普曼 是, putting 在一起 one of the most impressive statlines of the season (16 points, 11个篮板, 4次抢断, 2块);
  • 和, 最重要的是, 每个球员是如何为我们的哲学做出贡献的, 尤其是在防守方面, where we are really starting to look like a dangerous team to play against, 五个人都在一起工作, 施加压力, 偏转通过, 追赶我们的对手, 口述发生了什么, 五个运动部件作为一个整体工作.
我在这篇文章的开头引用了Mr. 布莱尔,他在记分牌上目睹了这场比赛. 我将引用另一段话来结束, but this one from a Triolet parent who had come to watch her daughter play against us, a Triolet parent who also happens to be a basketball referee who has reffed us before (so she knows her basketball), 和 who ran into Coach Wolfe a few days after the game (which ended 38-23 for us) 和 told her, “我对你们的团队印象非常深刻. 你的女儿们工作那么努力,那么团结,那么聪明. Everyone is a part of what you do, not just a couple of players who do everything, but everybody. 我爱你的团队.”
总记录15 赢了 10 损失
RSEQ联赛:  5 赢了  3 损失
每场比赛得分32.7     每场得分24.9